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By Justin Woodall

Justin is a Christ follower, husband, and father of 3 children. He began selling real estate in 2004 as an individual agent and now leads a team of a highly productive agents serving Athens and the surrounding areas.

Change is a constant in life, and though it may not always be easy, it is essential for personal growth and success. Today, I want to share three key aspects that can significantly impact your life and contribute to making this your best year ever.

1. Change your environment. The late Jim Rohn once said, “If you don’t like how things are, change it. You’re not a tree.” This simple yet profound statement holds a valuable lesson. Your environment plays a crucial role in shaping your behavior and influencing the person you become. Consider the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together.” Just like eagles fly with eagles and turkeys with turkeys, the people you surround yourself with and the environment you inhabit will impact your life. Do you want to soar like an eagle or stay grounded like a turkey? Changing your environment is the first step towards creating a positive shift in your life.

“Transformation begins with you.”

2. Change your input. What you feed your mind has a direct impact on your thoughts, actions, and outcomes. Evaluate what you are putting into your brain. Are you consuming educational content like podcasts, audiobooks, or skill-enhancing training? Or are you mindlessly scrolling through social media and watching unproductive TV? Remember, garbage in, garbage out. Choose to fuel your mind with content that enhances your skills, knowledge, and personal growth. By changing your input, you can transform your mindset and pave the way for a more fulfilling life.

3. Change your activity. To achieve different results, you must change your actions. Reflect on your activities and ask yourself what you need to do more or less to make a positive impact this year. Whether it’s adopting healthier habits, pursuing new opportunities, or letting go of unproductive routines, changing your activity is the key to altering the outcomes you experience. It’s about doing more of what serves you well and less of what hinders your progress.

By following these steps, you have the power to shape your destiny and make this year your best one yet. Embrace the opportunity for growth, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call or send me an email; I am happy to help.

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